Monday, November 22, 2010

How to Get Rid of Your Lower Back & Stomach Fat Exercise

In order to get rid of your lower back fat and your stomach fat, clean up your diet, and work on your exercises that are for increase of muscle mass. Find out how to correctly perform these exercises for eliminating stomach body fat with help of a certified sports performance nutrition adviser in free video below on fitness and exercise.

Fitness exercise for Flat Stomach

Achieving a flat stomach is very important for overall health and one´s personal confidence. There are many exercises that can be performed to make your stomach fat lose and look good. Watch the free video below for sit-up stomach exercises performed by a certified sports performance and nutrition adviser.

Carbs and FAT?

It is time to break those myths about low carb high protein diet. It is not true that low carbohydrate meals must necessarily cause your weight gain. In fact, low carb diet food can cause weight gain.

Watch this explanational video from Isabel...the author of famous The Diet Solution Program

Salad Dressing Video

This video shows how to prepare a delicious salad topper that you can make yourself and that will be a tasty
addition to your fat burning diet. Burn your stomach belly fat faster.

Video filmed by Isabel De Los Rios.
Isabel is a very experienced certified nutritionist and exercise specialist. She already helped over 25 thousands of people lose incredible amounts of stomach fat and weight. She is the author of The Diet Solution Program and owns  New Body – Center for Fitness and Nutrition in New Jersey.

How to loose belly fat

There are a lot of infos around about how to get rid of that belly fat. While there's no "magic rule" that will remove abdominal fat, this article will shows you what causes this problem, and how you can lose stomach fat.

Step 1:

Exercise for stomach fat loss. Aerobic exercise facilitates fat stomach loss and fat loss all over your body. You can't target directly belly fat, but it's always the first one to burn off , no matter what your body shape or size is. Be sure to focus on calorie-burning exercises, not sit-ups or crunches.

Step 2:

Resistance training. The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism published one study that suggests combining cardiovascular exercise with resistance training. It is more effective than aerobic training alone and help you to get rid of abdominal fat. You can do your resistance training with free weights, exercise machines, or resistance bands.

Step 3:

Reduce calorie consumption, and change out certain foods for others. If you do not restrict a calorie intake, you are not going to loose stomach fat. There are tactics that might help you put your belly fat away faster, but only if you have consistently your calorie intake.

Step 4:

Change refined grains for whole grains.

Step 5:

Eat more fiber within your diet. Soluble fiber (like apples, oats, cherries) get your insulin levels lower, which, can speed up the burning of visceral belly fat.